Why is it so hard to quit sugar?

And how to quit it?

We all know that consuming lots of refined sugar is bad for us, but why is it hard to quit?

First of all, do you know what sugar does to your body?

Sugar actually makes you more hungry. It slows down your metabolism. It stores belly fat. It locks the fat in the fat cells, and it can't get out. Sugar suppresses your immune system. And lymphatic system is part of the immune system. So it suppresses the lymphatic system.

So why is it so hard to quit sugar?

Believe it or not, it is NOT because you are weak-willed. It is NOT a moral failing.

The reason why it is hard to quit sugar is because of the biology of sugar.

It's very difficult to overcome the biology with willpower.

And when you look at the biology of the brain, it's quite scary.

The brain imaging shows that the addiction center, which is stimulated by heroin or cocaine, gets lit up like crazy by the sugar, and their insulin goes up, their blood sugar goes up, and their adrenaline goes up. Your cortisol, which is the stress hormone, is also the cause of belly fat that goes up.

So, it creates biological stress.  

In addition, the big food companies spend a lot of money to figure out what makes people want to grab the food off the shelves. They spend a lot of money on focus groups, lab tests, food scientists, food color, textures, and package designs. Convenient food is modern designer drugs. It is designed to make you want more of those sugary items.

Those big companies are banking and capitalizing off of your poor decisions. 

Have you ever heard of the term " The Sweet Spot"? Massive food manufacturers use this sneaky tactic, which involves packing in just the right amount of fat, sugar, and salt to make their food as addicting as possible. 

So how can you overcome your biology to quit sugar and live in harmony with food? 

How can you overcome your biology when you have been making poor decisions and being a victim of big food companies?

Please don’t beat yourself up because of your behavior. It's actually not about your behavior or the habit. 

It's about your identity. Your identity is your comfort zone, BUT it is also what you commit to.

Believe it or not, it is more important for you to identify yourself as a " non-sugar consumer" or " healthy eater" than to tackle your habits.

What I mean is this: if you try to quit eating sugar but identify yourself as a "big fat loser," it is difficult to quit. 

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking ( or behavior) we used when we created them” -Albert Einstein

I will give you an example.

When I was chronically depressed and living with anxiety attacks and taking antidepressant and antianxiety drugs, I saw myself as a " broken, depressed, fragile, anxious" person. However, after learning how to regulate my emotions through a growth mindset, personal development, Ayurveda lifestyle, meditation, and so on, I started seeing myself as a strong, intuitive, and positive person, and from that, the lense of a NEW identity, I didn't see myself taking medications. The old version of me simply didn't exist in my energy field. 

And that made me one day throw away all the medications. I went cold turkey. I haven't taken medications for almost ten years.

I will give you another example.

Recently, I made a shift myself as a non-drinker BEFORE quitting.

What do I mean by that?

I've had alcohol almost all my adult life. I really liked having a glass of wine with dinner, but I actually wanted to quit drinking.

But the thing is……, I've tried to quit drinking from the perspective of "A person who loves wine trying to quit," 

But one day, I shifted my identity to a NEW identity. I practiced imaging myself as “ The highest vibrational, positive, healthy person”

Instead of focusing on quitting my habit, I decided to change my identity.

"From today, I live as if “ The highest vibrational, positive, healthy person”

That person doesn’t drink alcohol. That person doesn’t eat unhealthy food. That person only ingests healthy and nutritious food and drink.

I shifted my identity.

So, how do you shift your identity? 

You can do that through Meditation and Breathwork.

What is Breathwork?

Breathwork is an inward journey that involves using a breathing technique to release the chemical DMT in your brain and expand your state of consciousness. It helps to reprogram the default mode network to come down, and we experience extra sensory perception. 

We know that other animals have other senses. They're able to see beyond the visible light spectrum. They're able to hear things that we can't hear, and we know that there's information beyond our five senses. Breathwork helps to get beyond your five senses and find your TRUE SELF!

There's an entire world of information around us at all times that we have access to when we're not locked into the traditional container of the default mode network.

The breathwork allows us to start accessing that information.

The addictions are usually related to past trauma. When we experience sexual, physical, and emotional abuse and don't understand how to process that information properly, addiction is the default setting of soothing the trauma.

It got stored down in the subconscious mind, but the subconscious mind is like the power generator that determines the
conscious decisions that we're making.

Breathwork helps to reprogram the default setting.

If you are interested in taking private breathwork and bodywork, book a Euphoria Signature Session.

I also offer a group Zoom Breathwork.

I hope to see you soon.

With Love and Light,

Narumi Ogawa


Are you playing too small?


What is Breathwork?