Progressing with Breathwork 101 Zoom Session
Today’s Breathwork session was my seventh, and I must say it felt absolutely amazing!
I can feel myself getting better and more focused each time. You really shouldn’t miss out on this – it’s totally worth it!
Thank you, Narumi Ogawa, for putting this together and guiding us through these incredible sessions!
Post-Breathwork Session Integration
First of all, the biggest thanks to @Narumi Ogawa for your amazing preparation and facilitator skills. Thank you.
It was a very powerful experience. I came with no expectations, just ready to receive whatever would come up.
Here's the wisdom that I received from my Higher Self during and after the session:
You are already everything you visualize. You have all the money. You have all the resources ALREADY to invest in any program your heart desire.
All these visions of your multimillionaire Self that you see are ALL REAL AND DONE.
Why do you worry so much? You have nothing to worry about. (That released tears and stored emotions during the sessions for some seconds, as the last few years were challenging for my family financially)
It didn't feel like my usual voice, it was me but truly a loving energy and voice that doesn't judge me and has compassion for where I am in my life, and that is OK.
I was also worried about my child's integration into her school and new country and I received this message:
Your child is doing great. She has brilliant potential. Trust in her unique genius unfolding perfectly.
I make sure to hydrate and trust my intuition for the next steps. Anyone in the group who missed it, be there next week and watch the replay when it becomes available. True healing occurred.
Big Love
Breathwork Zoom Session
Thanks to @Narumi Ogawa
I am ALIVE. My old perception was good but not like this. Abundance is fully understood and I now know what it means when you quantum leap first inside before outside. I’m ready for the next one! And I recommend if you want to enjoy all aspect of life and quantum leap faster, I’ll see you on the next class Great Job @Narumi Ogawa
Breathwork Session (Sep 25th,2024)
Today was truly an amazing day as I have never experienced such an interesting experience internally doing breathwork.
Thankful for today's session and for the host and creator of this platform for their dedicated effort and thoughtfulness
I couldn't share my experience just yet as I was still in a state of aw"
I left home to get some stuff done and remember while I was driving the feeling of ease and contentment.
Everyone and everything seemed so different as though I was in a different "space" .
I felt a biggness, a real sense of an active alive energy flowing through me after coming out of the session which ended with a feeling of joy that made me want to dance lol
So many things can be shared here but in all I am grateful and thankful I can be apart of this journey.
Thank you @Narumi Ogawa
This was truly a remarkable experience.
Forever thankful
Post Breathwork 9/25.2024
Thank you SO MUCH for the beautiful session!! It was absolutely magical!
Tears just streamed down my face like some deep-rooted ancestry blockage released I felt, I mean I didn't even know I had it but I heard their voice. And literally, for the first time in my life, I felt true love and abundance. I never felt so safe, clear and light like this.
I'm so grateful! Much love
Post Breathwork Integration 10/24/2024
Hi Narumi, I hope you are doing well! Thank you for everything you do.
So at first i got a feeling like fear of survival/of dying or unknown and, i started going from side to side in the mat like i had something inside me that i could not hold i roll to the side crying and screaming i felt it went out, then i laughed out of my heart realizing what a blessing life is. I was feeling my hands tight and at the end i felt some energy coming out it was a high voltage energy i could say, it was like i got electrocuded but the electricity went from my hands to out instead of in. It changed my life.
Goerge. D