

Euphoria Signature Session

Lymphatic Drainage / Breath Work / Chakra Alignment / Tuning Fork and Sound Therapy / CranioSacral / Energy Medicine/ Marma Therapy

120 minutes
150 minutes

The session helps to:

1) Identify and eliminate the root cause of real issues you are facing,

2) Raise your vibration! so that you won’t draw the negative energy that is not serving you anymore.

3) Dive into the subconscious mind. Find your true self. Experience your life from a higher dimension you have never felt before.

Without knowing what is causing your current issues, you won’t be able to heal yourself completely. You might be able to diminish the symptoms temporarily, but the real issues could show up in different forms, like illness or a similar situation in the future. To prevent that, we need to really listen to our body, connect with our emotional, spiritual, and mental aspects and heal you from the inside out.  

Our body is a self-healing and self-regulating organism. Our human body has an astonishing power to heal itself. Our innate intelligence knows how to keep our body well. The Euphoria Signature Session helps you to discover your own healing power. During the session, you would observe and witness what is going on in your physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects, and let go of what no longer serves your highest good.

This session is a great treatment for addiction, trauma, anxiety, fear, depression, worry, stress, weight issues, eating disorder, chronic illness, relationship issues, spiritual+emotional+physical issues, family dynamics issues, career issues, and more.

Please ask yourself; Why am I having the symptom? What are the real reasons I experience that?

What is my core belief in happiness? Do I REALLY believe I deserve happiness and joy? What is my life purpose?

This is a customized somatic and energy modalities session, including Intuitive Energy Work, CranioSacral Therapy, Lymphatic Drainage, Sound Healing, Guided Breath Work, Pranic Healing, Aroma Therapy, Holding Space Way, and Chakra Alignment.


Healing Activation Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy

60 mins

Gentle, hands-on approach that releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance.

Using a soft touch which is generally no greater than 5 grams - about the weight of a nickel - CS releases restrictions in the soft tissues that surround the central nervous system.


Intuitive Therapy Session

Custom Intuitive Healing Treatment
Chakra Clearing / Manual Lymphatic Drainage / Energy Healing / Sound Therapy

90 mins

Narumi intuitively feels into your body to understand and identify where the body needs healing the most and heals based on that. This session could include Chakra Clearing, CranioSacral, Pranic Healing, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Energy Healing, and/or Sound Therapy.



Weightless Signature Session

Manual Lymphatic Drainage+Ogawa Method

60 mins (Body Only)
90 mins (Body/Face/Craniosacral)
120 mins (Body/Face/ Craniosacral)

The lymphatic system is part of your body's immune system. Manual Lymphatic drainage is a therapeutic massage treatment. The massage uses light to medium pressure, lymphatic breathing, and long, gentle, rhythmic strokes to increase the flow of lymph and reduce toxins in your body. Visceral manipulation is offered if necessary.

This is a great treatment for a weakened immune system, swelling, poor circulation, gut and digestive issues, water retention, Autoimmune Disorders, Liver Detox, weight issues, Perimenopausal and menopausal weight issues, visceral/ omentum belly fat, stress and anxiety release, and much more. Pre/post-op and pre/postnatal sessions (For pregnancy, you can book after the second trimester; please book a 60-minute session) are also available under this session menu.

We have a 60-minute specific lymphatic drainage facial as a separate menu. Under this offer, we focus on pre/post-op facial, TMJ release ( lymphatic drainage, intra-oral/trigger points), scalp massage, and Craniosacral)

A 90-minute session ends with a relaxing scalp massage, facial lymphatic drainage, using Gua Sha, and CranioSacral therapy. ** A 90-minute full-body session( without facial and scalp massage) is also available upon request.

A 120-minute session, you will receive a full body, 1-2 extra targeted areas ( for example, legs and stomach ), facial lymphatic drainage, scalp massage, and Craniosacral.

**Please make sure to drink plenty of water before and after your session. For more details, please read FAQs.


Silhouette Signature Session

Manual Lymphatic Drainage+ Ogawa Method Body Sculpting

60 mins (Body Only)
90mins (Body/Face/Scalp)
120 mins (Body/Face/Scalp)

Similar to the Weightless Signature, body contouring uses deeper pressure. Narumi incorporates the Japanese body contouring technique, wood therapy, and other powerful body contouring techniques to sculpt your body.

A 90 minutes session, it ends with a relaxing scalp massage, facial lymphatic drainage, and CranioSacral therapy to calm your nervous system. ** A 90-minute full-body session is also available. ( without facial and scalp massage)

A 120 minute session, you will receive a full body + 1-2 extra targeted areas ( for example, legs and stomach ), scalp massage, facial lymphatic drainage, and Craniosacral therapy.

You will see noticeable differences in your body after one session, but the results may vary. The best result would appear around 3-5 sessions on a regular basis (once a week session for 3-5 weeks).

If you are interested in learning more, please email Narumi. We offer package deals.

DISCLAIMER: The result may vary and it depends on your lifestyle, If you have any physical issues, please consult with your doctor first. We would also recommend to get lymphatic drainage session first. If you have questions, please contact Narumi before booking.

**Please make sure to drink plenty of water before and after your session.


Virtual Session

Customized Virtual Session

60 mins

If you are out of town or unable to do an in-person session, this remote session is perfect. I offer distance energy healing, business advice, and spiritual counseling. Whatever your issue, whether you don’t know lymphatic drainage is your next career or you feel stuck, book this appointment, and we will solve your problem together!