Safety Precautions

Your safety and health is priority. Here are lists of safety guidelines and protocols of my practice:

  • I have been taking tele conferences and online courses regularly to educate myself and learn update information about rules and regulations.

  • Take extra time to clean the session room ( including oil bottles, massage table, chair, doorknob, any equipments. Basically, I clean anywhere either I or a client touch) every time I am done with session.

  • I change face mask, gloves, sheets, towels, every time the session is done.I wear eye goggles.

  • There are windows in a room, and I open windows between sessions to keep better ventilation. It is up to the person whether the windows are kept open or not during the session. (You have full privacy since there are curtains).

  • I take client’s temperature everyday, every appointment. And I ask all clients how they feel before session, and if they don’t feel well, I ask them to reschedule for later date.

  • I make sure there is only one person in the waiting room.