The Method

The Ogawa Method is a multi-level healing technique that has been carefully curated through years of observation, education, and experimentation. After working with countless clients, solving a myriad of issues, and honing in on a distinct gift for intuitive healing, Narumi Ogawa has perfected her craft. As she sets out to heal the body, she focuses on matters of the heart. Drawing on various tools and techniques, Narumi’s philosophy is one of holistic remedies. Through her treatments, clients have experienced a multitude of benefits including weight loss, anti-aging, pain relief, inflammation reduction, chakra realignment, mental clarity, and overall cleansing of mind, body, and soul.

Make healing a way of life and detox the water system throughout the body.

Tools used in the Ogawa Method


Flow Chimes

Flow chimes have the same benefit as Koshi chimes. There are 5 elements: air, fire, water, earth, and space. I use the space element when using the flow chimes, adding 4 elements of Koshi chimes. Flow chimes help to calm your nervous system, open your heart, and emotional clearing. You will feel calm, relaxed, clear, and awakened.


Koshi Chime

The Koshi chime is tuned for four melodies—Terra (earth), Aria (wind), Aqua (water), and Ignis (fire). Each melody has healing properties of their own and can all be played in harmony with each other to create an angelic sound that nourishes, balances and awakens the soul. They promote relaxation, receptivity and integration of mind, body and soul. 


Tuning Forks

Tuning forks tune the nervous system to create greater harmony and balance, and deeper relaxation. When we are “in tune”, we are able to make better choices in our lives. The sound waves of the forks restore balance in the body’s chakras, keeping the muscles, nervous system, and organs in perfect harmony.


Crystal Tuning Forks

Rose quartz can help to open the heart to all forms of love: self-love, familial love, platonic love, and romantic love. The high energy of quartz gives rose quartz the property of enhancing love in virtually any situation. The result is a highly focused stream of energy that can be intuitively programmed with healing intention that will have a powerful effect on the cellular as well as the bodies molecular and energy levels.


Other Sound Healing tools

Sansula Kalimba

Tibetan bowl

Buffalo Drum

Kluwak Seed Rattle

Deer antler rattle

These tools are used for breaking up the stuck energy physically or emotionally, calming anxiety, or energizing effects.


Wooden Tools

Wood therapy is used during body contouring. This therapy has the same effect as lymphatic drainage which is redefining the body, diminish cellulite, decrease water retention, and promote weight loss.


Jade Gua Sha

The Jade Gua Sha is a traditional eastern Asian practice. It helps to relieve tension in the muscles of the face, boost blood circulation, and encourage lymphatic drainage to banish bloat. I used it mainly on face and neck, but it can be used for the body as well.

face cups.jpg

Essential Oils /Argan Oil

Narumi uses special blends on each chakra to release energy and clear the body. Argan oil is great for protecting from sun damage, and moisturizing and brightening the skin. It improves wound healing, and has anti aging benefits.


Face Cupping

Face cupping is used for lymphatic drainage to increase blood flow to the area by gently pulling the skin away from deeper layers of fascia. This can also improve skin tone and texture.