Upcoming workshops

We currently have two workshops coming up. Please read below for more information.

Our 7th Lymphatic Drainage Workshop!

-Four-Day Workshop June 3-6 2024.

-Six people max!

**Please fill out the application form. You have an opportunity to book a 60-minute complimentary Zoom call to ask any questions. Our workshop is affordable compared to other workshops.

Lymphatic Drainage Workshop Application

Do you currently work in the health and wellness world and want to learn lymphatic drainage? I am SO excited to share this news with you: I will teach the Lymphatic Drainage workshop next month! If you are:

A LICENSED Massage Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Nurse, Doctor, Chiropractor. Etc, and want to learn lymphatic drainage, this workshop is PERFECT for you! We need more educators to understand the importance of the healthy lymphatic system and lymphatic drainage.

🤔How is this workshop different from other workshops?
✅I go to each person to demonstrate the proper techniques ( pressure, body mechanics, speed). You will also experience my touch. No one is left behind. I will make sure to teach you until you get it 100%.
✅This is a small, intimate workshop. We can only accept six people.
✅This is a four-day, hands-on learning workshop.

🤔There are so many different types of lymphatic drainage. I need clarification about which one is the right one.
✅I totally understand that frustration.
I believe treating problems is not one size fits all. For instance, if someone wants to lose weight, there are many ways to do so, right? And while most of them are great, some are not so effective. Sometimes, they can be quite dangerous if the method is not suitable for the person's constitution.
That said, there is NO one-and-only lymphatic drainage technique. I will teach you how to customize techniques.

🤔What method do I learn?
✅The Vodder method,
Japanese lymphatic drainage,
The Ogawa Method
Anatomy and physiology of the lymph system,
Pre/post-op lymphatic drainage ( mostly the Vodder)
Ayurvedic dosha type/ lymphatic system, and MORE!

🤔Did you know the lymphatic system is the most underrated system of the body, yet if the system stops working, we die within 24-48 hours?
🤔Did you know that, in the Ayurveda perspective, Rasa Datsu ( lymph) is the first of seven fundamental principles (elements) that support the body's basic structure and functioning? So it is clear that Rasa datsu ( lymph) needs to be checked first to determine a person's health, right? As many know, preventative care is the most important part of our health.
For more information, please email us. narumi@narumiogawa.com, or complete an application to book a complimentary session with Narumi.


I am available to come to your city to teach as well. For more information, please email narumi@narumiogawa.com

Become a Visionary Healer; 6-week Healer Transformer workshop

If you have any questions, you can book a complimentary 60-minute Discovery Call with Narumi. To book a session, please fill out the application below.

Healer-Transformer Application Form

Are you a healer, indigo child, bodyworker, or holistic educator who wants to establish your own unique business and consistently earn a comfortable living as a DIVINE feminine healer?

How are you supposed to feel confident to call yourself an established healing facilitator if you are uncertain about what you can offer to the world? How can you feel confident to run your own unique healing business when you don’t know how to attract clients, right?

Do you still work for someone? Do you feel underappreciated or overworked?
You want to run your own healing business, but you are not confident enough to leave your current job. You are afraid of losing a steady income, right?

Is it even possible to consistently receive, manage, and generate comfortable monetary exchange from your dream clients every month? Is it possible to establish your own business and make a comfortable living in a big city without feeling scarcity, uncertainty, and fear ?! 🤯

I bet you’ve tried offering your sessions to friends and family. As a result, you might be running a small business on the side. And nothing has quite worked for you, right?
Maybe you run a small business on the weekend. You have some clients, but you are still not 100% confident your offers are good enough. Maybe you have a website or Instagram, but it’s not professional enough. Maybe you are scared to be seen. Nothing has quite worked for you…..

And time is limited, right? How do you find the ⏰ TIME ⏰ to create your own unique holistic practice if you work for someone?

Maybe you’ve invested $$$$ and time ⏰ in workshops and classes to learn different modalities. Some might go back to school and change the industry, hoping to create your own unique sessions. But you still don't know how to attract clients…

How do you justify spending money on more classes and workshops if you don’t know how to integrate them, if you barely use it?

😨 Why's it so nerve-racking to even think of the idea of establishing your healing practice?

Is the constant battle to run your own healing business really worth it?

Can you really become a successful holistic practitioner without feeling constant fear, scarcity, and uncertainty?

🤔 And when can you finally show up for yourself and tell the world who you really are as a DIVINE-feminine healer?

🤔 Can you even quit your 9-5 job? Can you attract your dream clients?

🤔 Are you putting yourself out to the world? How often?

🤔 What about marketing, finding an office, building a website?

🤯 🤯 🤯 🤯
STOP. JUST STOP! ( Yes, I was like this years ago, so I get it!!)

If any of the above questions run through your head… day after day… I might be able to help.
While I don’t claim to know it all, I’ve become who I want to be by creating a sustainable step-by-step formula ( action plan). Now, I can call myself an VISIONARY HEALER.
Just you to know I used to work in the apparel industry!

Those early days were rough.

I'd take a step forward only to take three more back. I was drowning in fear, uncertainty, and scarcity especially about money. I was single. I had no one to support me financially. It’s scary to think you don’t know how you can support yourself financially when you have no one to depend on.

Anyways, if that's kinda how you feel right now...

Let me give you a road map so that you stop hitting dead ends or getting lost on back roads and instead take the fast lane to become a Confident& DIVINE Visionary Healer that you can be proud of.

Let me show you “How to start living your better tomorrow, TODAY!” 💪

👇 Here is what I’m proposing. 👇

So I had this crazy idea to build a step-by-step plan to guide you from feeling SCARED, UNCERTAIN, UNCLEAR, UNDERAPPRECIATED, and OVERWORKED to become a CONFIDENT, CERTAIN, UNWAVERING, WELL-ESTABLISHED VISIONARY HEALER in 6 weeks!

No fluff. No messing around, just a simple plan to take you from feeling emotionally, physically, and spiritually tired and uncertain to trusting your Gut Intelligence and Intuition, Reclaiming Your Divine Feminine Independence, and Unwavering Certainty within yourself!💫

✅ If you are interested in claiming one of the 10 spots available, fill out the application to book a complimentary Discovery Call.

Application Form

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Narumi Ogawa